Achieving Your Favorite Style Pie with Fiero Ovens

Posted by Pace Reps on May 13, 2024 3:20:31 PM

Pace Unraveling FIERO Pizza Styles to Find Your Ideal Pie header

Let’s talk pizza! With so many different styles, there are plenty of palettes to please. From crispy Neapolitan to the new kid on the block, Detroit-style, the options to offer customers are endless. With Fiero Forni pizza ovens, operators can be sure their ovens are eye-catching and functional for any pizza baking needs.

Pizza is not just a dish; it's a global love affair and is the thread that weaves together taste buds across the globe. It's this rich tapestry of styles that catapults pizza from mere sustenance to a culinary sensation. In fact, pizza is America's favorite food

Using materials from Italy and manufactured and assembled in the United States, Fiero gives operators the opportunity to have an authentic pizza oven. For a fully customized look, pizzerias and restaurants can have their Fiero ovens covered in authentic Italian tiles to help stand out and create a centerpiece for their business. 


A Guide to Crafting Your Perfect Pie

Pizza is much more than a beloved dish; it's a culinary journey that stretches from the cobblestone streets of Italy to the bustling avenues of New York. Embark on an adventure through the diverse universe of pizza styles, where aspiring pizza masters can discover their ideal pie with Fiero's guidance.

Neapolitan & Neo-Neapolitan: A Tale of Tradition and Innovation

Naples is where the classic Neapolitan pizza boasts a 10–12 inch profile, springing to life in a scorching 800–900ºF embrace for a mere 60–90 seconds. Crafted from 65%-70% hydrated Type 0/00 Neapolitan wheat flour dough, its traditional toppings are a testament to consistency in taste. The Neo-Neapolitan, however, dances on this traditional foundation,Fiero pizza oven covered in gold tiles and with black legs still maintaining the size but inviting a broader temperature range of 700 – 900°F and a 60 – 120-second bake time. It's an exploration of new flours beyond Type 0/00, inviting a world of diverse flavors and creative toppings. The best Fiero oven for Neapolitan pizzas - Acunto Napoli Ovens stand out, with each oven handcrafted in Naples using time-honored techniques spanning over a century.

Artisanal Pies: The Canvas of Customization

For those who revel in the charm of rustic, wood-fired pizzas, artisanal pies are your canvas. Their size varies from an intimate 10 inches to a generous 16 inches, each baking at a toasty 600 -800 degrees F for two to four minutes, depending on your crust preference. With a dough hydration of 55%-65% and a blend of various flours, these pies are infinitely customizable, making each a unique piece of edible art.

New York-Style: The Iconic Urban Slice

Finally, stride into the heart of America with the iconic New York-style pizza. These Man in grey chef's coat uses paddle to load pizza into Fiero Pavesi rotating pizza oven. formidable pies boast an impressive 16 -20 inches in diameter, ready to be devoured whole or savored slice by slice. They bake to perfection at 550 – 700° F over three to five minutes, using enriched high-gluten American flour to achieve that signature chewy yet crisp texture that's become the hallmark of the city's pizza scene.

For Artisanal and New York-style pies, Pavesi traditional or rotating ovens are your go-to. With their single-piece refractory oven floor, which ensures exceptional heat distribution, the Pavesi eradicates hot or cold spots for an impeccable bake.Man in blue shirt and tan apron with back to camera, look in black pizza oven on trailer

There are even mobile Fiero oven options for catering or food trucks to bring the pizza to the customers. 

Navigating the world of pizza ovens can be daunting, but fear not, for the experts at Pace Reps are at your service. We invite you to a conversation full of all things pizza, where we can assist in aligning your culinary vision with the ideal oven.


Schedule time with Pace Reps to discuss how Fiero Forni pizza ovens can help your business grow: 

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Topics: pizza, Fiero